
Clinic Offerings

The Wild Standard Herbal Clinic is an online and in person integrative & holistic healthcare practice offering health consults that combine the wisdom and tradition of herbal medicine, nutrition, aromatherapeutics, yoga/movement, breath work and other mindbody based healing modalities. From working together to reestablish balance for your physiological and emotional priorities to guiding you towards high quality effective herbal medicine and natural products, your healthcare needs will be supported and nourished with expert individualized care.

Our holistic healthcare clinic provides herbal health assessments from Clinical Herbalist Jules LeDrew. Whether it’s a deep dive into your health picture, custom herbal medicine formulations or followups, find the service you are looking for from the list of our offerings below and schedule an appointment!


What is Herbal medicine?

The American Herbalist Guild states that Herbal Medicine is the art and science of using herbs for health prevention, resiliency and treating illness. It has persisted with a written history more than 5000 years old. While the use of herbs in America has been overshadowed by dependence on modern medications over the last 100 years, more than half of the world's population still rely upon traditional healing practices, most of which is herbal medicine.

Equal access and Herbal Assessments

Equal access to healthcare is a priority to us. We have two holistic health herbal clinic assessment options- Deep Dive Wellness visit and Custom small batch Herbal Medicine assessments, to meet more budgets and offer sliding scale for those that qualify upon request. In the past we have only had our online dispensary available to our regular clinical clients. In order to offer quality assurance and control guidance and health support for those with different financial needs, we have now opened our online dispensary to all with a lifetime 20% off available to all Wild Standard clients.

Please email jules@wildstandardbotancials.com with your clinical herbal assessment and custom herbal medicine questions or enter your information below in our scheduling section.

Holistic Health Clinic

Community and connection are some of our core values and when we are partnered together you become part of our broader community. We support your journey in health to help you find other necessary valuable resources and referrals within our extended network. An important piece of restorative and preventative health care is finding the right healthcare providers and access to high quality eco-conscious herbal products to meet your healing needs. It can be challenging and time consuming to research and find not only the right qualified and trusted practitioners, but also quality natural and herbal products. Herbal medicine and other natural products that are not of quality standards can significantly slow and impact your health progress and budget. Having access to herbal science and natural product experts for guidance towards the most effective high quality products will provide you with better results and save you money in the long run. Whether you want a deep dive holistic herbal health consult to begin your journey in health or a quicker custom formulated small batch herbal medicine protocol; Wild Standard offers two types of health consults to meet your budget and personal healing needs.


Schedule an appointment

Our clinic appointments are scheduled on Fridays and Mondays, but we strive to remain flexible to meet your needs so let us know if those days don’t work for you. Please fill out the form the left for more details. Include your information and specify your needs for care and we will get back to you to schedule your appointment. Please expect that we are generally booked 2-3 weeks out due to an increase in client care and we thank you in advance for your patience as we work with you to set up your next appointment. Due to Covid, we are still on distance appointments only. Please email Jules@wildstandardbotaicals.com with any questions!